Tag dungeon drops

John Barrymore April 02, 2024 4 minutes
This blog post explores the updated stats found on level 40-50 dungeon drops in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. The changes aim to better suit the intended classes, with reductions in spirit and increases in spell power and adjusted weapon stats. The post lists the specific changes for drops from Zul'Farrak, Uldaman, Maraudon, and Blackrock Depths.
John Barrymore March 25, 2024 5 minutes
Participate in the upcoming events of Operation Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall in Wrath of the Lich King Classic realms and experience increased dungeon drops and loot changes in Icecrown Citadel. Choose your faction, join the battles, and reclaim the homelands of gnomes and trolls with pride.
John Barrymore January 30, 2024 5 minutes
This blog post discusses the upcoming Skill books in Season of Discovery Phase 2, which will be dropped in dungeons and provide quality-of-life improvements for various classes. These abilities do not require a rune slot and include enhancements such as decreased mana cost, increased duration, and new spell effects.
John Barrymore January 30, 2024 5 minutes
The upcoming Phase 2 of Season of Discovery will introduce new skill books in dungeons, offering quality-of-life improvements for various classes. These abilities do not take up a rune slot and include enhancements such as decreased mana cost and increased duration for certain spells, regeneration of mana through auto attacks, and other beneficial effects.